I sometimes get asked to recommend channels that might help clients to run. Advice for programmes, to explain certain issues, basic information that we can use as a discussion point. Below is a selection of channels that I have found to be informative and fun. They cover all the previously mentioned topics and more!
Please note that whilst I am a keen runner, I am not a running coach. If you have any concerns about your health or are under treatment, please talk to your doctor or medical practitioner most familiar with your medical history before implementing any changes in diet, exercise or lifestyle.
For the purposes of this article, to compare and contrast the presenters' styles, I have focused on videos that discuss "80-20 running". The channels are listed in alphabetical order. If you want to know how much exercise is enough to improve your health, read this article.
Of course there are many more running channels to enjoy than those listed here. Whatever you enjoy, keep running fun and stay injury free!
Coach Parry
The Running Channel
The Run Experience
Strength Running

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