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Best Diets and Eating Practices for Health and Longevity

Updated: Apr 11

diet health longevity

There is no single diet or eating practice that is best for health and longevity. Key considerations for many are eating practices that support weight management and diets that are anti-inflammatory.

Certain trends stand out when it comes to dietary health:

  • A focus on whole (or minimally processed) foods.

  • Rich in plants, whole grains, beans and legumes.

  • A focus on fibre and phytonutrients.

  • Higher in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats; lower in saturated fats.

  • Less 'red' meat.

  • Include fermented products.

And food should be enjoyable, including the occasional slice of cake or ice cream! (dependent on your goals, of course)

The terms diet and eating practice are often used interchangeably, but it is worth understanding the difference.

Diet: generally referring to short term eating patterns, specific food choices or temporary restrictions in eating choices.
Eating Pattern: a long-term approach to eating that reflects overall dietary habits and preferences.

In this article we share some of the diets, eating patterns that have proven health benefits and link to their individual pages.

Stay Healthy,



The UK Biobank study is delivering valuable information on diet specifics, to support our eating choices...

longevity diet

Rich in whole foods and much beloved for its Western and Eastern mediterranean tastes, a well studied longevity diet...

Mediterranean diet

Traditional Asian diets (eating patterns), not the modern versions, provide similar health

benefits to the Mediterranean diet...

traditional Asian diets

Singapore has a tradition of food culture that, amidst the pressures of modern eating practices, still delivers health and longevity...


A diet scientifically designed to reduce hypertension...

DASH diet

A diet that focuses on brain health, to prevent Alzheimer's and dementia...

MIND diet brain health

A diet designed to reduce cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health...

Portfolio Diet cholesterol

What you may notice that all the above diets are plant-based (this does not have to mean excluding all animal products) diets, leading to improved health outcomes across the board...

vegan vegetarian plant based flexitarian

Enjoying a nutritionally dense diet and maintaining a healthy weight are cornerstones of physical health and vitality. To maximise long-term health outcomes cardiovascular exercise and strength training are vital, as is quality sleep. These can also lead to better mental health outcomes. Finally, let's not neglect our social health – having a good circle of close friends that can support you is important.

Stay Healthy,



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